Knafeh, the food of the hiking gods

I have been very pleasantly surprised by the availability of amazing pastries in Jordan (which I promise I will write a second post about). However, there is one which tops them all…the amazing Knafeh!

This is one you don’t want to eat before a meal, because you won’t be able to stop eating it, no matter how much you have and it is really full on.

It is made with a layer of crispy fine wheat noodles (called kataifi) which are soaked in a caramelised sugar syrup. This is then layered on a bed of slightly salty cheese (a bit like soft mozzarella), then topped with pistachio and served hot.

The end result is a hot, crispy, salty and sweet delight!

It is served hot in 250g servings and oh my god is it good! I may have to open a Knafeh stand when I return to Australia!

I may have gone a bit hard on these, and finished Alli’s too. I admit I was slightly green after, but totally worth it!

Our first one was from the most famous Knafeh stand in Jordan.

The amazing Knafeh stand in Amman. As usual I was too shy to take photos of all the locals gobbling it down!

The second one was from Madaba, and the guy at the stand insisted on giving us one for free! It was just a good.

I hope there are many more to be had this trip.